There are a ton of areas to serve here at Centennial and we're always looking for people who want to plug in! Check out our service areas below!
Nursery is a big part of what we do on Sunday mornings as we understand the importance of parents being able to leave their kids in a loving and safe environment while they worship. We are always looking for more help in the nursery.
We aim to provide a safe and fun environment for kids to learn about God. This is to be done through the teaching of the Scripture, discipleship and the Christ like example of the teachers and volunteers.
We are always looking for listeners to hear the children recite their Bible verses and more adults to love on kids!
Do you have a heart for middle and high school students? Our student ministry is a great place to get plugged in! Contact Isaac Newell ( if you are intrested in becoming a leader!
Our goal is to provide food for the Rutledge community every third Saturday of the month.
Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry, you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited me in.”
Can you sing or play an instrument? Come join our Sunday morning Worship Team!
Getting involved in Missions is easy. As we bring opportunities to the church family, feel free to hop in where ever you feel called!
The Veteran's Committee focuses on ministering to Veterans & their families. Each year near Veteran's Day, we hold a service honoring Veterans and provide a meal for them and their family following the service.
The Greeter Ministry is always looking friendly, smiling church servants who desure to make our visitors and members feel welcome on Sunday mornings.
Our Coffee Bar is a recently added ministry to our welcome center on Sunday Morning's before worship. Coffee Bar worker help facilate everything we offer at the Coffee Bar.
Feel free to give our office a call or email for more details!